Buy me a beer

I have a hard drive full of half finished songs, modular synth jams, and other bits and bobs that I haven’t (and may never) release. However, there’s a whole bunch of cool stuff in there, and I’ve decided to give folks that are interested the chance to peek behind the curtain if they are really interested by creating a members’ only area on to share these b sides and oddities.

Along with music, I’ll be sharing samples taken from my tracks, or recorded using my myriad of weird and wonderful instruments. Some will be free, some for members or supporters only. I think that there’s a particularly Scottish inclination to avoid sharing things out of a fear they’re not good enough, so I’m trying to get over that. None of this is stuff that I would post ‘officially’ anywhere else, so I’ll still continue to blog and post here and on YouTube etc as I usually do. Click through for more.

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